A Great Pride Bake-Off Thank-you

We would like to thank all the fantastic people in the Pensions Regulator’s staff LGBT+ network, who raised £572 for Switchboard by holding a Great Pride Bake-Off. The Bake-Off was part of a week of activities organised by the LGBT+ network in the run up to Pride, which culminated in their participation in the Pride… Continue Reading A Great Pride Bake-Off Thank-you

Whitehawk LGBT Coffee Morning

If you are LGBTQ and live, work or socialise in the Whitehawk area, please do come along to meet others and help shape the new group. Just bring yourself and we’ll supply the tea and biscuits 🙂 Monday 15th August | Whitehawk Inn | 11am – 1pm If you would like to come along to the… Continue Reading Whitehawk LGBT Coffee Morning

Vacancies for Four Qualified LGBTQ Counsellors

If you identify as LGBT * and are keen to contribute to our community, we would love for you to volunteer with our LGBT* Affirmative Counselling Service. We offer the chance to be part of a supportive team and receive regular  supervision.

We have vacancies for four qualified volunteer counsellors and we are particularly keen to hear from gay male counsellors, and counsellors from BME backgrounds, who are currently under represented on the team.counselling

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LGBT Friendly Zumba!

Looking for a fun way to keep fit in an LGBT-friendly environment? Why not try Zumba? Taking place every Thursday at Brighton Youth Centre from 4:45pm. it’s a great way to get some exercise and meet new people – all for £3! (£2 for concessions) For more information contact the active for life team on… Continue Reading LGBT Friendly Zumba!