Helpline Opening Hours Review

We have recently reviewed our helpline hours and made the decision to close our Saturday evening shift for the time being.  Our caller statistics tell us that this is a time in the week when demand for the helpline is lower than other times in the week.  We will be reviewing the helpline opening hours again in the Autumn after our next round of helpline volunteers training.  We are sorry for the inconvenience that this might cause.

Our helpline opening hours are now as follows:

Mon – 6:30pm-9pm
Tues – Closed
Wed – 6:30pm-9pm
Thurs – 3pm-9pm
Fri – 6:30pm-9pm
Sat – Closed
Sun- 5pm-7pm (3pm-5pm Trans Survivors Helpline)

You can contact our helpline by calling 01273 204050, email us at [email protected] or use the live web chat on the bottom right hand corner of the screen.