Domestic Violence

Support for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People (LGBT)

Domestic violence can be difficult to identify, especially for the person experiencing it. People sometimes misunderstand domestic violence and think it is only physical abuse when actually it can be emotional, psychological, financial or sexual abuse.

LGBT people experience domestic violence regardless of age, class, disability, gender identity, caring responsibility, immigration status, race or religion. LGBT people can find it hard to talk about domestic violence.

Acknowledging that any current or ex-partner or family member is an ‘abuser’ is hard, and this can be made harder by threats of ‘outing’ or because of fear of further isolation, but there are agencies and people who can help and support both you and the ‘abusive’ person.

Am I Being Abused?

  • Do you feel like you are ‘walking on egg shells’ or living with constant stress, fear or anxiety?
  • Does your partner criticise, ridicule, humiliate or belittle you?
  • Does your partner seem like two different people:  one charming and loving and the other mean and hurtful?
  • Do they threaten to ‘out’ you at work, to your family or to others?
  • Do they push, shove, grab, punch, hit or strike you?
  • Do they prevent you from practicing safe sex?

If you have answered yes to some or all of the above you may be in an abusive relationship.

You are not alone. There is help and support available

To get confidential support and advice:

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Rise is a local Domestic Violence charity in Brighton and Hove and employs a specialist LGBT Domestic Violence and Abuse Advisor.

Contact them on 07851 466 438 or by email or visit their website.


Galop is a National LGBT Domestic Violence Helpline.

Call them on 0300 999 5428, email them at [email protected] or visit their website.

If you are in immediate danger call the Police on 999