Maintaining your sexual health is about much more than simply protecting yourself from sexually transmitted infections – it’s about having choice and control and the freedom to live your life in a way that makes you happy.
Sometimes talking about sex might feel intimidating or embarrassing, but if questions or worries about sex are left unanswered they can lead to bigger physical, or emotional, problems in the long-term. Our confidential helpline and counselling support offers an LGBTQ affirmative approach – this means that the person you talk to will accept and affirm your gender and sexual identity as being OK, normal and valid and will listen to you without judgement.
Switchboard can support you to make informed choices about sex and help you to stay healthy and happy by providing you with up-to-date information, confidential listening support or face-to-face counselling on a range of issues such as:
- protecting yourself from sexually transmitted infections
- living with HIV/AIDS
- fertility and conception
- talking with your partner, or partners, about sex
- sexual problems or dysfunction
Switchboard can also signpost you to other relevant LGBTQ-friendly local and national organisations for support with your particular questions or concerns.
So if you have a question about sex, don’t be afraid to get in touch.